Drugo more
Drugo more (The Other Sea) is a non profit organisation that produces, promotes, researches and disseminates culture. Working as an organisation in the field of arts and culture since 1999 – locally, regionally, internationally and interdisciplinary – they identify, and explore topics of social relevance and of general interest to the community we all live in. Understanding art as an important cognitive tool, they connect their artistic program with topics relevant to contemporary science and social theory.
Medea Electronique
With a creeping pun between Medea and Media (the new media), Medea Electronique was founded in 2006 and consists of creative people who share the mood for innovation, moving in the greater field of contemporary art. Active in fields such as music, animation, multimedia, art installations,interactive technologies, and multimedia event production, the members of the group merge separate research and practice fields in an effort to develop a particular style.
MAD Lab - Media arts and design research lab
Promoting a playful interaction between theory, engineering, and situated practice, it comprises a multi-disciplinary team of artists, creative technologists, designers, theorists, and digital craftsmen pursuing situated research in a wide array of subareas, inter alia concerning: electronic arts, cybernetic culture, digital theatre/performance, embodiment, making/hacking methodologies, animism, media archaeology, ‘dark’ ecology, AI and bio-inspired algorithms, VR/AR, ‘alien’ phenomenology, ethnography, posthuman studies, and DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) approaches to art and education.
NeMe (/ˈniːm/) is a non profit, Cyprus registered cultural NGO founded in November 2004. NeMe focuses on contemporary theories and their intersection with the arts, with one of its major interests on new media technologies.