Sympoietic Echo-Systems: Dielectrics

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The residency began with an artist talk, where Kousteridou introduced her research into sound art, material agency, and the concept of sympoiesis—collaborative “making-with.” She engaged the local community through a DIY contact microphone workshop, teaching participants to build low-tech sound devices from upcycled materials. This hands-on session emphasized the creative potential of sustainable practices and the materiality of sound.

Dielectrics, the centerpiece of the residency, combined slow-drying clay with handmade electronic circuits to explore the acoustic and material properties of organic matter. The installation’s evolving soundscape demonstrated how natural materials could actively shape sonic compositions at Sofia’s Art Academy. A live electronics performance brought the work to life, transforming the installation into a collaborative ecosystem where human and non-human elements interacted to produce an immersive auditory experience.

Throughout her time at DA LAB, Kousteridou connected with the local art scene, attending exhibitions and collaborating with artists at Sofia’s several art spaces. These exchanges enriched her practice and fostered an international network of creative practitioners dedicated to sound, technology, and ecological art.

This residency contributed to the broader goals of research coordination and capacity building by promoting knowledge exchange and sustainable artistic practices. Looking ahead, Kousteridou plans to expand on her findings by incorporating energy-harvesting techniques into future installations, further investigating the sympoietic relationship between organic materials and technology.